GYRO | The Key Role of Simulation Technology in Semiconductor Automation


  • Simulation Prior to Implementing Lights-Out Factory Solutions
  • Simulate to maximize production efficiency through AMHS solutions.
  • Simulate production and floor planning to achieve effective processes including inventory, eRack, AMR, TSC, RTD, MCS, and others.
  • Through simulation, users can understand the original efficiency of their production workshop and determine the increase in production efficiency after implementing robotic automation solutions.



In the vast domain of automation solutions, simulation technology plays a crucial role, especially in integrating various automation systems. While not every situation requires simulation, it is considered indispensable for projects involving seamless collaboration among multiple automated production elements. Here are the key points:


Addressing Customized Synchronization Challenges

In scenarios requiring customized synchronization of multiple systems, such as processes involving wafer storage, racks, production, packaging, and robotic handling, Gyro's solutions leverage simulation. This approach enables Gyro to refine design concepts in the digital realm, predict and avoid costly deployment delays.


Enhancing Design Concepts through Simulation

Gyro's design engineers use simulation to comprehensively test alternative design concepts. The digital "laboratory" created by simulation allows for variations in equipment configurations, personnel levels, and the number of robots. This helps determine the most robust design concepts, ensuring flexibility in the face of planned and unforeseen changes. Simulation also plays a crucial role in introducing new automation systems, significantly reducing costs and time compared to traditional on-site testing methods.


Efficient Software Testing through Simulation

Simulation reduces the need to rely on on-site testing to address software errors or inefficiencies. In the design phase of lights-out factory solutions, Gyro utilizes simulation to test different efficiencies, including our MCS (Manufacturing Control System), TSC (Traffic Control System), and RTD (Real-Time Dispatching) software. This proactive approach significantly reduces costs and time compared to traditional on-site testing methods.


Research and Development of Innovative Solutions through Simulation

Gyro not only uses simulation to refine solutions for specific clients but also employs it to develop innovative solutions for various vertical markets. Simulation validates the feasibility of design concepts and refines mature ideas to maximize their benefits in target industries.



In conclusion, simulation is crucial for achieving synchronized production automation. Take full advantage of Gyro's simulation expertise to optimize the design and deployment of various automation solutions. Feel free to contact us anytime.



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